Old Dogs and New Tricks
Can Dr. Wilson make the changes at his practice on his own, or does he need help? Is Dr. Wilson concerned about meaningful use? Ben’s patient sighed heavily. “I know I should eat better, sleep [...]
Can Dr. Wilson make the changes at his practice on his own, or does he need help? Is Dr. Wilson concerned about meaningful use? Ben’s patient sighed heavily. “I know I should eat better, sleep [...]
ICD-10 News So, the changeover to ICD-10 got delayed from October 1, 2014 to October 1, 2015. And perhaps many of you are thinking, “Phew! That thing really sneaked up on us; thank goodness [...]
Forty-nine new network members across thirty-seven practices joined Genesis Chiropractic Software and Billing Network in February 2014! There is strength in numbers due to the shared knowledge [...]
Dr. Cynthia Boyd knows how to build a chiropractic dream practice: it takes hard work, a concerted team effort, and the expertise of Genesis chiropractic software and billing staff. “I have [...]
By Lisa Ogden ~ Profitability Coach for Genesis You can achieve success with the Genesis Chiropractic EHR system and build your dream practice when you and your staff complete the recommended [...]
Do you feel anxiety because your chiropractic Electronic Health Record system doesn’t match your clinic’s workflow? Your productivity can suffer if your documentation and forms are [...]
Do you worry about insurance claims payment delays? Lack of control over your chiropractic claims process causes inconsistent cash flow for your practice. If you cannot track and predict your [...]
Do you know how patient No Shows (NS) impact your chiropractic clinic? When patients do not make their appointments and they leave it up to you to contact them to reschedule it tells you a lot. [...]
Seventy new members joined Genesis Chiropractic Software and Billing Network in July! There is strength in numbers due to the shared knowledge – we call it the “Billing Network Effect,” as the [...]
Do you worry about insurance claims payment delays? Peace of mind is hard to come by when you don’t have control over your chiropractic claims process since this affects your practice cash [...]
The word “Guarantee” is good, but No Regret is what you really want. I bought an iPad about three months ago and it is obsolete today. Sound familiar? Imagine if it cost $15,000? [...]
Genesis Chiropractic Software
A Product of ClinicMind®
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2840 West Bay Drive
Belleair Bluffs, FL 33770
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Certified by the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance
We’re proactive about the business of saving lives. We believe every person should be under Chiropractic care from their first breath until their last. Our proactive profession should use proactive technology like Genesis Chiropractic Software.