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Talking Weight-Loss, Detox, and Workshops for Your Practice with Dr. DelRae Messer!

 In Chiropractic Marketing, chiropractic practice management, chiropractic software, Practice Management Tips, Uncategorized

Dr. DelRae Messer graduated Magna Cum Laude from Northwestern Health Sciences University in March 2007. She has additional certifications in nutrition, weight loss and detoxification, chelation therapy, burst training, and corrective spinal rehabilitation. Her specialties are chiropractic marketing and speaking.

In this one-on-one interview Dr. Messer, she’ll cover the A-Z on why, when and how you can start motivating your patients to live healthier lifestyles.  She’ll give you great strategies and insights on how to get more people in your office by giving them what they want, then changing their lives and keeping them coming back by giving them exactly what they need.  Check out this short but powerful interview…


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