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Why Are Medical Staff Bylaws Important for Chiropractors When Credentialing?

Medical Staff Bylaws are crucial for chiropractors who are part of a healthcare organization, as they play a significant role in shaping the practice of...

New Features: Appointment Waiting List & Patient Responsibility Estimator

At Genesis Chiropractic Software, we are passionate about innovating to provide solutions that streamline your practice. We are thrilled to announce two new features that...

Enhancing Workflow Efficiency: Coming Soon – Integrated X-Ray Viewing Feature

At Genesis Chiropractic Software, we pride ourselves on continuously innovating and evolving our platform to cater to the needs of the chiropractic community. We understand...

Leveraging Technology and Research in Subluxation-Based Practice

In an era marked by technological innovation and ever-evolving healthcare needs, how does chiropractic care fit in? How can the benefits of this ancient practice...

Coming Soon! New Genesis Features!

We are thrilled to announce an exciting range of new features that are set to improve your workflow! Soon, you will be able to experience...

5 Reasons Chiropractors Can Be Rejected by Insurance Company Networks During the Credentialing Process

Have you been rejected by an insurance company network during the credentialing process? If so, you're not alone. There are several reasons why this may...

Maximizing Efficiency and Support with Genesis Chiropractic Software’s Real-time Chat Function

As the world continues to evolve at an unprecedented pace, customer service and support have become an integral part of any successful business. Recognizing this...

How Is Insurance Payer Enrollment Different From Credentialing for Chiropractors?

Differences between Insurance Payer Enrollment and Credentialing for Chiropractors Insurance payer enrollment and credentialing are essential for chiropractors who want to provide care to patients...

A Proactive Approach to Patient Retention With SKED

Chiropractic care is evolving, and the use of technology in practice management is changing the way chiropractors communicate with their patients. Dr. Erik Kowalke, a...