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chiropractic workflow is built into Genesis Chiropractic Software

Chiropractic Office Workflow Improves Your Practice

Workflow will help your Practice grow! Workflow is the wave of the future. When it comes to managing your practice, it’s often difficult to make...
Man the Phone

Own the Phone with Spencer Peller

Spencer Peller is the Co-Founder and CEO of YesTrak and Founder and CEO of MyDoctorCalls.  He is also the author of the new book Own...
chiropractic software documentation

Chiropractic Documentation Fast and Compliant Notes

Fast and Compliant Notes for Chiropractic Practices Documenting cases quickly while remaining compliant with both insurance and government regulations seems like an impossible task. Especially...
Fortis is integrated with Genesis Chiropractic Software

3 “must haves” for Patient Credit Card Processing

Learn about PCI compliance, group discount fees, card declines and automation. Credit Card problems can loom large. Learn about the problems that every practice owner...
metrics for chiropractors

The Secret to Better Practice Management Decisions

Learn how to use metrics for better decision making! Metrics are what you need. When it comes to managing your practice, it’s often difficult to...

Growth | Tackling Task Management

Working It Out Can Dr. Ben get worked up enough about inefficient task management to make a change? “One, two, three” Ben huffed and puffed...
Weight Loss and Detox

Talking Weight-Loss, Detox, and Workshops for Your Practice with Dr. DelRae Messer!

Dr. DelRae Messer graduated Magna Cum Laude from Northwestern Health Sciences University in March 2007. She has additional certifications in nutrition, weight loss and detoxification...

PostureCo Integrated Within Genesis

PostureCo, Inc. is a technology company focusing on posture analysis and spinal x-ray mensuration EMR products for healthcare professionals. In its PostureRay and PostureScreen Mobile...
chiropractor software

TCP Talks Virtual Summits

Hello from The Chiropractic Philanthropist & TCP Talks Virtual Summits! I’m sure you’ve been wondering about the details regarding the upcoming massive Virtual Summit. Well...