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Dr. Tabor Smith Maximizing Your Spinal Screenings

 In chiropractic billing, chiropractic patient experience, chiropractic practice management, chiropractic software

Dr. Tabor Smith Maximizing Your Spinal Screenings

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Genesis Chiropractic Software Hosts "Maximizing Your Spinal Screenings!

You Are About To Learn How Chiropractors Are Getting 10, 20, and even 30+ New Patients From Every Spinal Screening!
     Dr. Tabor Smith has built a thriving practice in Houston TX through effective Spinal Screenings and Dinner Workshops.  He has conducted over 300 spinal screenings in his carreer so far!
     After graduating from Parker College of Chiropractic, Dr. Smith practiced in one of the largest chiropractic offices in the state of Texas, where they saw over 1,400 visits per week, and conducted 2-3 screenings per week!
Interesting Image
Maximizing Your Spinal Screenings!
     Do you and your staff really understand how to do a spinal screening?
     Here is what you are about to learn...
  • How to get better ROIs on your spinal screenings!
  • The proper way to stop and engage a person walking by your booth!
  • What can you do RIGHT NOW to schedule 10-20 spinal screenings in your community?
  • How are some chiropractor's scheduling 30-50 new patients per screening?
  • How you can fill up your dinner workshops with people who DON'T sign-up at your spinal screenings!

And that's just a tiny sample!

Enter Your Name And Email Above To Find Out NOW! >>>>>

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