Genesis Chiropractic Software List of Seminars.
Seminar | Location | Date |
Watch this space for next year | Many cities | 2018 |
Look for our Genesis booth at the exciting seminar events for Chiropractors above!
Our uniquely designed booth has been very well received and our Chiropractic Friends love to use the adjustment table.
Be sure to register for the drawing because we pick a winner at each seminar.
The winner of our gift card drawing at Release your Power in March was Matt Locke with Regenerate Chiropractic.
Trey Purvis & Rachael Box won the gift card drawing at the CBP Basic Certification series in March.
Rusty Howell presents a $100 gift card to Linda Castillo, a staff team member for Adjusting the World, at the Elite Coaching Event in Denver on June 5th.
The $100 Gift Card Winner at the July Maximized Living Seminar was Dr. Kevin Krautsack from Trinity Chiropractic in Naples, FL. He's flanked by Jason Barnes, COO for Genesis and Rich Martinez, Sales Support Manager.
The Winner of our $100 gift card drawing at ChiroFEST Nov. 6th was Jessica McManus of Everett House Chiro. Depicted left to right is Dr. Brian Capra, CEO and Founder of Genesis, Jason Barnes COO of Genesis, Jordon Vetters and Jessica McManus.
Rich Martinez (right) presented a $100 gift card to Katie Boyd (center) from Hennington Wellness Center in McComb, MS. She was the winner of the drawing at the Breakthrough Coaching event in New Orleans at the end of June. Also depicted are friends and co-workers who want Katie to spend it on them.
The Genesis adjusting table was very popular at the Maximized Living Seminar in Kansas City in July.
Rusty Howell and Rich Martinez of Genesis flank Alex Willard of Life Chiropractic College. Alex was the lucky winner of a $100 gift card drawing at the AMPED St. Louis Family Conference.
Jason Barnes, COO of Genesis and Rusty Howell present a $100 gift card to Whitney Krajkoric of Moss Family Chiropractic. She won the drawing at the Maximized Living Atlanta conference in May.
Genesis Chiropractic Software attended California Jam earlier this year. We held a drawing for a Chromebook and Dr. Deed Harrison drew the winner. Dr. Aimee Bautista. Congratulations and we hope that you enjoy it, Dr. Aimee! Depicted from left to right: Rich Martinez, Dr. Deed Harrison, Dr. Aimee Bautista and Rusty Howell.
Dr. Virginia J Faulkner, DC was the winner of an iPad Mini. Congratulations Dr. Virginia!