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Increase retention, revenue and compliance with Genesis Kickstart.

Genesis Kickstart

Why You Should Kickstart Your Chiropractic Practice with Genesis Here at Genesis, we work with a lot of doctors who are ready to improve their...
Launch Your Associates by Dr. Noel Lloyd

Launch Your Associates

Launch Your Associates into Instant Success and Profit! Launch Your Associates is a rare treat to learn from a man, a DC who's been there...
The patient experience is our focus.

Why Genesis Focuses on the Patient Experience

The Patient Experience is our Focus... and here's WHY We here at Genesis Chiropractic Software are always talking about the patient experience. In fact, we...
Single Point Management

Your Staff Needs Single Point Management

Single Point Management: How Genesis Delivers an Exceptional Customer Experience The idea behind Single Point Management is to deliver one number at the end of...
Everything is the Patient Experience

Quantifying the Patient Experience

See how well a pro-active chiropractic practice can operate with a consistent Patient Experience. As chiropractors, we know our main goal is to continuously achieve...
help pages and customized support

Customized Support

Genesis Support is Customized Just for You! Why Customer Support Matters Matter There is no doubt that the EHR software market is large, and it...
Genesis can be customized for you.

Customized for Your Practice

Customized to Fit Your Unique Practice Needs Are you tired of the one-size-fits-all approach that so many companies take to the needs of your chiropractic...
Genesis Chiropractic Billing Software runs in the cloud.

The Change that is Needed

Genesis Chiropractic Software: The Change that is Needed Change your Mind and Change your Software. For over 18 years, Corrin Coker didn’t know there was...
patient experience

Designed Specifically for Your Practice

How Genesis was Designed Specifically for Your Chiropractic Practice The Patient Experience is key.  If you’ve tried other software and practice management systems you know...